Plennes Case Study

Client - Zenar Crane

Manufacturer of custom overhead cranes for manufacturing and material handling applications.

Their need

A custom, well-designed and implemented pit for their newest boring and milling machine.

Why Plennes?

Plennes has been providing machine foundations and pits for equipment for more than half a century—since 1952.  Through these years Plennes has been a strong partner to Zenar Cranes and and has completed multiple projects with them.

The project

Plennes was hired to provide a pit for a new machine purchased by Zenar Crane. We worked with the customer on budgeting a cost for the pit to accommodate the machine base. We provided soil borings and engineered drawings and then were able to provide a cost estimate for the work. The process was to install drilled piles and wood lagging so the pit could be shored properly as we excavated the pit depth. Rebar was installed in the base of the foundation to accommodate the 4′ thick concrete floor. Walls were formed and rebar was set in walls next. The walls were then poured and tied into the base for a solid structure. After completion of the concrete the machine anchor points were then laid out and holes were cored to allow for the machine installation.

Zenar Crane looked to us to provide a sound foundation for a machine in which they invested to enhance their business. These types of machines run on precise workings that require accurate tolerances.  This is why it was tantamount that we provided them with a solidly-engineered foundation— giving them a concrete structure that will not allow the machine to move around.  This solid and snug foundation  prevents the need for constant recalibration of the machine.  This is a savings in time, money and hours on their part.

Excavation and shoring of pit

Cleaning up pit after stripping all forms and braces. 

Rebar mats installed with PVC piping for limit switches.

Concrete floor being poured at 4' thick

Pouring in formed walls and edges to finish pit walls

Cleaning up pit after stripping all forms and braces.

Cleaning up pit after stripping all forms and braces. 

A machine pit for your business

A properly designed machine pit is crucial for the proper opperation of expensive machinery.   If you have a need for a machine pit please contact us below.

Get in touch with us today

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For faster service please call us at (414) 744-2440.